Flawless Designs

Develop Products with Success

Reaching for one product over the other in the store aisle. Leaving an online review. Checking out the company website for other products.

That’s successful product development!


Your product will:

You’ll get everything needed for an effective product launch:

You’ll get everything needed for an effective product launch:

How we do this

We Listen

Some questions you’ll think about:

  • What are your goals with the project?
  • Who is your ideal client or customer?
  • How do they find your product?
  • How is your product different from your competitor’s?
  • How can you transform consumers into loyal customers?

We Research

What we look for:

  • What problem does your product solve?
  • Where does your target market hang out?
  • Which features are important to them?
  • How does your product make buyers feel?
  • Which words do they use to describe their problem?
  • What would make them choose one product over another?

We Draft

How it’s done:

  • Study all the information collected.
  • Craft a brand persona to connect consumers on deeper level.
  • Decide on the packaging type, size, and finishes.
  • Select colors, images, and a design style to achieve the goals.

We Present

You’ll get a product design that:

  • Stands out on shelves
  • Connects you to your consumers
  • Creates brand lovers

We Revise

Your satisfaction is top priority.

  • We’ll listen to what you love.
  • We’ll listen to any concerns you may have.
  • We’ll go back to the drawing board when necessary.

Malka presents as super-chilled and flexible, but when it comes to customer care, she is literally on fire! Working with her was amazing. She understood what kind of design I needed even though I wasn’t able to visualize or describe it myself. Her work was both beautiful and professional and the process was so EASY I barely had to think about it at all.”

Mad brand strategist

Ready to get yourself an effective product launch?