Flawless Designs


Shpilen Tzifriden

Goal Create product and packaging design that will connect to children and fly off the shelves. Delivered Brand naming Logo Design Brand Identity Packaging copy and design Product labels, cards, visuals copy and design Product insert copy and design Advertisement copy and design Result An influx of orders from Judaica stores. Goal Create product and

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Goal To create a cool, upscale brand for Zoomsation, a go-kart racing center, which appeals to teens and adults. Delivered Logo Brand Identity Brochure copy and design Advertisement copy and design Signage Goal To create a cool, upscale brand for Zoomsation, a go-kart racing center, which appeals to teens and adults. Delivered Logo Brand Identity

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Tachlis Media

Goal Create a techy, young, sophisticated brand identity for a new podcast by the Orthodox Union. Delivered Logo Design Brand Identity Podcast Cover Art Result Nailed the vibe and generated lots of excitement for the up and coming app. Goal Create a techy, young, sophisticated brand identity for a new podcast by the Orthodox Union.

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Quality Blinds

Goal To create a brand that will entice clients in a very competitive market. Delivered Logo Design Brand Identity Advertisement copy and design Result Lots of phone calls and new customers following the print ad. Goal To create a brand that will entice clients in a very competitive market. Delivered Logo Design Brand Identity Advertisement

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Goal To have the identity of Mesikos, a center for autism with a unique approach of love an positivity, reflect who they are visually. To create a brochure that explains what makes Mesikos different, and the meaning of donating to their cause. Delivered Logo Design Brochure copy and design Goal To have the identity of

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